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Method of revealing and alleviating conditions caused by food maladaptation.

crop-of-blood hand

What makes us unique

What makes us unique

and conditions

Symptoms and medical conditions

Preparation for the laboratory analysis

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Comprehensive ImmunoHealth Tests

Marina Rosenstein, PhD, CNS

How it works

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Order your kit today.


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Once you return the kit with the sample using our pre-paid postage, the sample will be analyzed and results sent to you.

Comprehensive ImmunoHealth Tests


96 antigens


Laboratory analysis and individual dietary recommendations for your individual elimination diet.

The test covers the following food items: Casein, Cheddar Cheese, Cottage Cheese, Cow’s Milk, Goat’s Milk, Mozzarella Cheese, Whey, Yogurt, Beef, Chicken, Egg White, Egg Yolk, Lamb, Pork, Turkey, Potato, Sweet, Clam, Cod, Crab, Halibut, Lobster, Oyster, Salmon, Red Snapper, Shrimp, Sole, Yellowfin Tuna, Asparagus, Avocado, Beet, Broccoli, Cabbage, Carrot, Cauliflower, Celery, Cucumber, Garlic, Green Pepper, Lettuce, Mushroom, Olive, Onion, Potato, Pumpkin, Radish, Spinach, Tomato, Zucchini Squash, Apple, Apricot, Banana, Blueberry, Cranberry, Grape, Grapefruit, Lemon, Orange, Papaya, Peach, Pear, Pineapple, Plum, Raspberry, Strawberry, Almond, Amaranth Flour, Bean (Kidney), Bean (Lima), Bean (Pinto), Bean (Soy), Bean (string), Buckwheat, Coconut, Filbert, Green Pea, Lentil, Wheat (Gliadin), Peanut, Pecan, Rice, Sesame, Sunflower, Walnut, Barley, Corn, Oat, Rye, Spelt, Wheat (Gluten), Whole Wheat, Cocoa Bean, Coffee Bean, Honey, Sugar Cane, Yeast (Baker), Yeast (Brewer).


Premium with the consultation of Marina Rosenstein, PhD, CNS

96 antigens


Premium test for a broad spectrum of food products followed by 1 hr - 1.5 hrs consultation with Marina Rosenstein.

The test covers the following food items as well as a consultation: Casein, Cheddar Cheese, Cottage Cheese, Cow’s Milk, Goat’s Milk, Mozzarella Cheese, Whey, Yogurt, Beef, Chicken, Egg White, Egg Yolk, Lamb, Pork, Turkey, Potato, Sweet, Clam, Cod, Crab, Halibut, Lobster, Oyster, Salmon, Red Snapper, Shrimp, Sole, Yellowfin Tuna, Asparagus, Avocado, Beet, Broccoli, Cabbage, Carrot, Cauliflower, Celery, Cucumber, Garlic, Green Pepper, Lettuce, Mushroom, Olive, Onion, Potato, Pumpkin, Radish, Spinach, Tomato, Zucchini Squash, Apple, Apricot, Banana, Blueberry, Cranberry, Grape, Grapefruit, Lemon, Orange, Papaya, Peach, Pear, Pineapple, Plum, Raspberry, Strawberry, Almond, Amaranth Flour, Bean (Kidney), Bean (Lima), Bean (Pinto), Bean (Soy), Bean (string), Buckwheat, Coconut, Filbert, Green Pea, Lentil, Wheat (Gliadin), Peanut, Pecan, Rice, Sesame, Sunflower, Walnut, Barley, Corn, Oat, Rye, Spelt, Wheat (Gluten), Whole Wheat, Cocoa Bean, Coffee Bean, Honey, Sugar Cane, Yeast (Baker), Yeast (Brewer).


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info is here






Your results



After many years of researching ways to better my health, I have finally come upon a system that actually makes sense. ImmunoHealth Program  is based on a personalized test and an individual treatment for each patient. I have tried many diets in the past, but ImmunoHealth Program was the first treatment that actually changed the way I feel. After following the program for the first month, I noticed that I had more energy and a drastic improvement in my attention span. I also noticed that my Candida that has been troubling me for quite some time has gone away. I was also able to become a mother throughout this process without any problems.

Katherine G.

Katherine G.


For many years, I have had problems with my digestive system: bloating, heartburn and constipation. I have also battled with acne on my face and chest which seemed to never go away. Diets were only a partial and non-lasting result, but after giving a sample of my blood for analysis to the ImmunoHealth, Dr Marina Rozenshteyn was able to determine that I had intolerance to gluten and eggs. Something I would have been consuming for the rest of my life had it not been for this test, because prior to this, my diet seemed very normal. I am very thankful to ImmunoHealth program for helping me get rid of my problems for good without expensive procedures or pills. It seems like I finally have the key to my own health and I am extremely thankful for it.

Irena S.

Irena S.


ImmunoHealth program changed my life. As a 22 year old I was constantly tired yet unable to sleep, and suffered from daily migraines and intense stomach aches. Within the first month of changing my diet according to the recommendations of the ImmunoHealth I began sleeping restfully, without waking up every night. My energy came back and I lost 10lbs without any real effort. I feel like a completely new person, a healthy 22 year old again, thanks to ImmunoHealth.

Cassandra F.

Cassandra F.


I feel good and have lost two pounds (although weight loss was not my goal with this it's a nice benefit!). I haven't developed any acne since I started a week ago which is the most exciting part, hopefully it's because of the diet and not just coincidence. I'll check in again at the end of the month!

Alexandra M.

Alexandra M.


Thanks to ImmunoHealth, I have lost 30 pounds in just over 2 months and feel better than I have in years.   This is not a diet, but a way of life.  Knowing what foods work don't work well with my body has made all the difference.

Anna Vernikov

Anna Vernikov


It has been about 3 months since I visited with you and started my diet as you outlined.The important news is that I have not had any rashes or hives of any sort!   It is the first time in many years that I am free and clear of skin ailments.  My migraines are far fewer (although in the spring allergy season they kicked up), and I experience no phlegm after I eat. I don’t feel bloated at all – and I never knew I was until I went on the diet. Even when I “cheat” on weekends, I am still feeling very good and have no symptoms as noted above Thank you and regards.




I would like to express my great appreciation to ImmunoHealth program for pointing out problems which made my previous life so miserable. I could not live a day without Prevacid. I was suffering from heartburn, which stopped me short of my daily activities. It was just two weeks after I eliminated myself from Gluten and I am not taking pills anymore. I do not have any heartburn and I lost a few pounds. I feel great. Many many thanks!



Staten Island, USA

I initially tested my son (14 year old) to help with his acne problem that got out of control. It turned out he is gluten, dairy, egg (among other things) intolerant. After he went on the diet recommended by ImmunoHealth, not only his acne cleared up, his behavior has changed. He is no longer hyperactive. I never knew that his hyperactivity was food related. I just learned to live with it, hoping he will overgrow it eventually. Now, I don't need to live with it. My son is perfectly well and I give the credit for his recovery to ImmunoHealth program.





Interview with The Women's Question

Interview with The Women's Question

We didn't have time to lose weight by the summer, but it's never too late to make a diet a way of life. And it's not about restrictions and hardships, and not even about losing weight. The Women's Question decided to go further and approach slimness from a scientific point of view. How to cut off all the excess and add to health and quality of life? Visiting Juliana Shakhova is the famous Marina Rosenstein, PhD, allergist, immunologist, nutritionist, author of a unique patented technique in the field of immune dietetics with nearly 40 years of experience.


We've assembled some of the questions our clients sought clarity on throughout the years.

If these don't provide an answer, please use the Contact Us form.

How is blood taken for analysis?

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From the finger to the Dry Blood Spot (DBS) collection card. In this way, the material can be dried, stored for up to a month, and sent to our laboratory for analysis  from anywhere in the world.

Do you need to prepare for a test?

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Yes. If you are undergoing chemotherapy or taking cytostatics, immunosuppressants and glucocorticosteroids, the test can be done 2 months after treatment. After antibiotics - after 2 weeks. We also do not recommend taking the test during fasting, dieting, with acute respiratory viral infection or after extensive overeating - this can distort the results.

When will I be called for a consultation with Dr. Marina Rosenstein?

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As soon as the test results are ready - it usually takes about a week, and depending on time-slot availability.

How is the consultation with Dr. Marina Rosenstein conducted?

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It is held online (via ZOOM or Skype). It lasts from 1 hr to 1.5 hrs. During this time, the curator will help you decipher the test results and curate the elimination diet.

What products are being tested?

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We have tests for 87 or 174 products. 87 includes basic: meat, poultry, milk, cereals, common fruits and vegetables. 174 incorporates added delicacies, such as rare seafood or exotic fruits.

May I choose products for testing myself?

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Unfortunately not,  the test panels are certified, integrated with our analysis software and designed to incorporate the most prevalent antigens in a given locale - this means that they are suitable for almost everyone.

Can I do a test during pregnancy and right after childbirth?

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Yes, you can. Mother’s antibodies freely pass through the placental barrier and could be absorbed from the mother’s milk during breastfeeding. Oftentimes a mother can overly burden the fetal or newborn’s bloodstream and tissues with her antibodies. Therefore, as a preventative measure, the test is useful for those who are just planning to become a mother: a properly selected diet will help prepare for pregnancy, and then not overload the child's body during gestation and breastfeeding.

At what age can you take the test?

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Generally, from 12 months on. During the breastfeeding stage, it is more informative and productive to conduct the analysis and elimination diet for the mother.  If the infant is brought up on infant formula, an ImmunoHealth test is recommended once the ration is expanded to such a degree, that keeping track of the infant’s adverse reactions is too cumbersome by simply referring to a food log.

In my results, honey is in the “green” zone, although I am allergic to it. Why is that?

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This is fine. Immediate (type I) allergic reactions and delayed (type III) immunological reactions normally do not overlap. We test antibodies of the IgG group, while allergists base their conclusions on antibodies of the IgE group. Plus, if you are not found to have an adverse reaction to a given product based on our analysis, it means that you most likely have not consumed it for more than 6 months, your immune system has not encountered the antigen, therefore the reaction to it is impossible to detect. We can only analyze reactions to products that you use regularly. That is why it is better not to take the test during fasting - it can distort the results.

How is the lab analysis conducted?

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Your sample is analyzed using the immunosorbent enzyme analysis method, we study the interaction of food antigens with specific immunoglobulins of class G (IgG). A proprietary computer algorithm (patent pending) developed by ImmunoHealth allows us to identify abnormal reactions of your immune system to certain foods.

What is a blood-type-based diet and how does it differ from the ImmunoHealth Program

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The ImmunoHealth Program has nothing in common with a blood type-based diet. The blood-type-based diet divides people into only four groups. The population of the United States is composed of a large number of ethnicities, each and every one of which has its own genetic particularities, including history and nutritional culture formed over centuries. Furthermore, each individual has their own individual enzyme makeup, product-antagonists, immune reactions and their own set of chronic conditions. Our approach to nutritional adaptation allows us to solve the problems of food disadaptation on an individual level with much greater precision.

How does ImmunoHealth Program differ from other diets and nutritional programs

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The ImmunoHealth  Program views each patient as an individual with their own nutritional and mineral makeup. The ImmunoHealth Program significantly differs from any other diets and nutritional programs because the main criteria of food product selection for a certain individual takes into account the immune system reactions before and after an elimination diet (we strongly encourage follow-up testing in order to gain the full benefit from our program). The calorie content and ingredient composition of the product are also important, but those are the criterion of secondary significance.

If I decide to lose weight, how long will it take for results to show?

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If you are overweight, your peril is most likely caused by dehydration and poor distribution of liquids in the tissues. That portion of excess weight usually quickly goes away during the first 2-3 weeks. In some cases,  the weight may decrease by 20-30 pounds (in people with a lot of excess weight). After 1.5 - 2 months, your weight will start decreasing slowly or intermittently.

How long has the program been in existence?

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In the European Union, the ImmunoHealth method has been used for over two decades. Dr. Rosenstein founded the RoLe clinic in Estonia (E.U.) which catered to the Baltics and the former CIS states. In the United States, the method has been collecting success stories since 2007, with locations in Cleveland and New York City. The program has been primarily recommended to our new clients by way of word of mouth from our previous clients and medical practitioners. For additional information, please read through, and